Light A Candle – 12 Days:12 Values

These are tumultuous times which call us, at a Network for Grateful Living, to rededicate ourselves to our vision of a peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all. One way we can do this is with practices which connect us to our core values, reminding us to live them – as best we can – in all areas of our lives. In this spirit, we invite you to join us this holiday season in lighting candles for 12 days to illuminate our individual and collective connection to the values of Grateful Living…

For twelve days (or any part thereof) beginning on the Solstice, Wednesday, December 21 through Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and ending on New Year’s Day 2017, we invite you to visit this page, follow the prompt below, and hold one of the guiding values of grateful living in your heart and mind as you light a virtual candle. The practice can be as simple as taking a few slow, deep breaths and silently lighting your candle with each day’s value as a meditation, prayer, or dedication. Or it can be a deeper inquiry into what this value means in your daily life.

If you write the value of the day (belonging, oneness, compassion, etc) in your candle message, those of us participating can “search” on that word on the candle page to feel ourselves part of a global community standing together in the power of our shared commitments and light.


December 21Light a Candle for Belonging
Grateful living reveals that everyone belongs and everyone is valued


December 22Light a Candle for recognition of Oneness
Grateful living generates an experience of oneness and interconnectedness


December 23Light a Candle for Compassion 
Grateful living deepens love, compassion, and respect for all life


December 24Light a Candle to know Sufficiency 
Grateful living cultivates a sense of sufficiency and abundance


December 25Light a Candle to embody Kindness
Grateful living awakens kindness and generosity


December 26Light a Candle to honor Service
Grateful living inspires the impulse to serve with humility


December 27Light a Candle for Healing
Grateful living contributes to the healing of body, mind, and spirit


December 28Light a Candle for Joy
Grateful living unleashes joy


December 29Light a Candle for Hope
Grateful living anchors hope and trust in life, especially in challenging times


December 30Light a Candle for Opportunity
Grateful living opens us to growth and opportunity


December 31Light a Candle for Peace
Grateful living offers pathways from conflict to peace


January 1Light a Candle for Wholeheartedness
Grateful living is an engaged YES to a wholehearted life.

Thank you for joining us in doing our part to create a world for which we can ALL be grateful.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

A Network for Grateful Living – Mission, Vision & Values