Staff Picks

A collection of favorite resources – both old and new – handpicked by the Gratefulness staff for your perusal. This page will be refreshed 2 – 3 times per month with “gems” which have particularly moved, touched, or engaged us…

Dr. Brene Brown and Oprah Winfrey

Dr. Brené Brown on Joy: It’s Terrifying
(March 2013) Joy is an emotion so many people seek, but, Dr. Brené Brown says, it’s by far the most terrifying feeling we face. Find out why we’re so afraid our joy will be taken away. Plus, discover why Dr. Brown says we can’t find joy without gratitude.

Glenn Fox

USC Neuroscientists Use Testimony in Groundbreaking Study of Gratitude
“To know better what regions [in the brain might be responsible for gratitude] is a really great first step toward understanding how we can advance and promote gratitude in the world,” says researcher, Glenn Fox.


Being Grateful for the Body As It Is
Allow your body to soften. Bring your awareness to the present moment and allow yourself to open to the possibility of greater ease…

shadows on sand dunes

Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth…


Living Life Moment by Moment
Br. David responds to a visitor’s question: “Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with what I have been given, I feel guilty. Even the wisdom of gratefulness just sounds like pious stuff. It seems that all I can say is ‘thank you’. What does this guilt mean?”

Ta Prohm Temple, Angkor, Cambodia

Ecosophy: Nature’s Guide to a Better World
(Kosmos Journal for Global Transformation, 2014) It is exciting that physicists are recognizing that “the universe is more like a great thought than like a great machine” and astronauts are lifting far enough from Earth to see, feel and show us how very much alive our planet is.

Just Breathe screen shot

Just Breathe
(January 2015) Filmmakers, Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman, made “Just Breathe” with their son, his classmates and their family members one Saturday afternoon. The film is entirely unscripted – what the kids say is based purely on their own neuro-scientific understanding of difficult emotions, and how they cope through breathing and meditation. They, in turn, are teaching us all …

We hope you enjoyed these resources. To discover more, visit our complete Library of Resources or dip into Gratefulness in Daily Life.

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