Staff Picks – Loving Our World

A collection of favorite resources – old and new – reflecting on the theme of “Love,” in all its fullness; love as courage, compassion, forgiveness, and commitment to the beauty and wonder of this world. The world needs love right now, so we offer you these gifts of inspiration, with love…

Everyone is a Story
(December 2016) Nora Jaccaud’s deep honoring of the human spirit is provocative and inspiring. In this TEDx talk, Nora, the creator of Human Postcards – a series of 60-second video portraits capturing stories of everyday people from around the world – shares what she has learned. (12 minutes)

David Whyte offers us his wisdom: “Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work; a future…Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive.”

Love and Forgiveness
(2012) Brother David shares his thoughts on love and forgiveness in his opening address to the Fetzer Institute’s “Global Gathering: A Pilgrimage of Love and Forgiveness” in Assisi, Italy. (22 minutes)

African landscape sunset

An African Elegy
We are the miracles that God made
To taste the bitter fruit of Time.
We are precious.
And one day our suffering
Will turn into the wonders of the earth…

All That We Share
(January, 2017) We live in a time where we quickly put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in common than we think? Time to ask questions and open our hearts to one another. Introducing “All That We Share”… (3 minutes)

All You Need is Love, Gratitude, and Oxytocin
(February, 2014) Valentine’s Day is around the corner, inviting us to think about what’s at the heart of our romantic relationships. Is there a “glue” that binds us with other people? A study finds a biological mechanism behind “thank you”— and reveals one way that it bonds couples together.

red leaf heart

Share Love with eCards
This is a really great time to send messages of hope, care and gratitude to those in your life. Spread your love with our free, ever-renewing and expanding collection of eCards. May you feel the power of love to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others.

We hope you enjoyed these resources. To discover more, visit our complete Library of Resources or dip into Gratefulness in Daily Life.