Grateful News May 2017

This month’s news focuses on exciting developments in saving coral reefs; helpful grassroots responses to terrorism; the transformation of a decrepit park space; giving and sharing during Ramadan; and a high school success story…

New Lab Aims To Restore Imperiled Corals

Most of the news and research these days about coral reefs is pretty grim, but a new technology is bringing back and re-skinning coral head in literally a matter of two years  – what would take nature 300 years to grow. >> Full Story

Five Grassroots Responses to Terror Attacks

Communities affected by terrorist attacks often unite in solidarity in inspiring ways. This article explores five actions that capture resilience and togetherness at the most difficult of times. >> Full Story

How a Forlorn Playground Became an Innovative Public Space

Toody Maher is an urban visionary who helped residents in Richmond, CA, collectively transform a deserted spot. She believes that the most beautiful and enlightened public spaces belong in the most disadvantaged communities.
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In Southern India, The Spirit of Ramadan is Served in a Bowl of Porridge

This Muslim holy month is a time of fasting and a time to emphasize the spirit of giving and sharing, to practice charity as much as possible. The nombu kanji provides one way of offering help to the needy – ensuring nourishment for those who might not have enough to fill their stomach after a long day’s fast.
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How One Chicago Public High School is Embracing Refugee Students

Roger C. Sullivan High School’s student body represents 38 countries and speaks more than 35 languages. With its rich English Language Learners program, the school – once riddled with poor academic scores and violent incidents – has reinvented itself with better attendance and higher graduation rates.
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