Blessing is the spiritual bloodstream that flows through the universe.
“Blessing is the spiritual bloodstream that flows through the universe”, writes Br. David Steindl-Rast. “When we bless something, we return what we received to its source. That is like the blood coming from the heart and going back to the heart. That blood keeps on flowing. If we tune in to the bloodstream of blessing, the world comes alive.”
The blood in your veins and arteries circulates continuously, cleansing and refreshing every cell in your body. In the same way, the blessings of the universe flow without ceasing. The only hitch is to be aware of — and furthermore, trust! — this unceasing stream. We human beings have a knack of forgetting.
Br. David’s book, 99 Blessings: An Invitation to Life (February 12, 2013 release) offers a series of blessings to guide readers through each day with wisdom and spirit. The blessings cover quite a gamut of experience, from colors to constellations, from friendship to fresh linen. Here, for instance, is the first:
Source of all blessings, you bless us with wind. Gentle or fierce, warm and humid or icy or hot and dry, may it caress my skin and make it tingle, refresh my spirit and make it wide awake so that i might pass on lightheartedness to everyone I meet.
And the second:
Source of all blessings, you bless us with breath. In and out, in and out, ever renewing us, ever anew making us one with all who breathe the same air, may this blessing overflow into a shared gratefulness, so that with one breath I may praise and celebrate life.
And what is the last? Why, he leaves that 100th blessing up to you!
Br. David pointed out that he considers the second half of each blessing important: “May we …” When we stop to notice something and be grateful for it, the next step is a chance to go do something. Receiving blessings in a continuous flow is much like the phrase we tell children when they are learning to cross the street safely: Stop. Look. Go.
We asked, “How would you complete this phrase?
Source of all blessings, you bless us with the blessing of …
What would your 100th blessing be? Please share with us your blessing in 50-100 words. We will select 12 to share on”
Please enjoy the 12 blessings that were chosen out of many beautiful submissions.