A Tale of a Whale for Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day in 2011, Michael Fishback (yes, that’s his real name – how appropriate!), along with his family and a few friends were presented with a rare opportunity — a chance to save the life of a humpback whale. This video tells the story…

Some conclude that the whale is showing her appreciation by staying close by and sharing the joy she feels in her newfound freedom. Others say such conclusions anthropomorphize the whale’s behavior. What do you think? (please share in the comments section below)

Following is a show from Radio Lab that speaks to some of the questions we have about the emotional life and language of animals, as well as interspecies connections.

When we gaze into the eyes of a wild animal, or even a beloved pet, can we ever really know what they might be thinking? Is it naive to assume they’re experiencing something close to human emotions? Or is it ridiculous to assume that they AREN’T feeling something like that? We get the story of a rescued whale that may have found a way to say thanks, ask whether dogs feel guilt, and wonder if a successful predator may have fallen in love with a photographer...


Do you have stories which point to animals expressing gratitude? Please share in the reflection area below…we look forward to hearing from you…gratefully!