Only Connect

Only connect! ~ E.M. Forster When E. M. Forster coined the phrase, “Only connect!,” he didn’t mean connection between things or people, even though interpersonal relationships were all-important to Forster. He actually used it to mean connection between the head and the heart, the cerebral and the … continue reading


The Earth as solid substance may be no more than a spun dream, a metaphor for a metaphor, and matter altogether may be empty space. That’s how quantum physics has it. Shakespeare said, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” Rilke wanted the … continue reading


Holding is not a little garnish, but a vast and beautiful function. Sandwiches, bookends, book covers, top and bottom sheets, andirons, prefixes and suffixes, lighting the match and later blowing out the candle — in all those instances there is a clear holding of the … continue reading