Our Eyes Speak Worlds

“It is God who is revealed in every face.” ~ Ibn Arabi In a dream, I overheard a discussion. Two people were talking. One was pointing out, “You know, a lot of fine spiritual work is done here and there, in groups and individually, in … continue reading

Out of the Cave and Into the Light and Dark of Life

Neither patience nor gratitude can be developed in a cave. They grow through exposure to some rough and tumble, some conflict and then release of conflict. This past week, to begin the weekly Group Meditation meeting which I lead, we each wrote down one physical … continue reading

Intensity of Being

There may be little or much beyond the grave but the strong are saying nothing until they see. – Robert Frost In Hamlet’s famous soliloquy, he asks, “To be or not to be?” He is talking about suicide, and “to be” means, in the context … continue reading


How much more powerful blessing becomes when we gather together We are each individually a source of blessing to the world through the very fact of coming from our Source. In addition, we each develop our gifts to the world in the course of a … continue reading

Attention Turns Us Inside Out

Everything gets more real when you dive into it wholeheartedly: dancing, dying, whatever. You let yourself realize that this is what it has all come to… In a late interview, Ginger Rogers told of how when they had practiced enough, and were actually performing a number … continue reading