Simplicity – Blessing and the Spiritual Path

“And suddenly I felt this most incredible gratitude for this woman, it was a Cosmic Gratitude that overwhelmed me. And suddenly I was projected into a space outside the plane, outside of time, where the only thing present was Infinite Love,” says Pierre Pradervand in this reflection on simplicity and blessing as an expression of Universal love.

Blessing as a Form of Service

I believe there is no authentic spirituality where there is no healing of one’s community and of the world – just as social, environmental and political activism without a spiritual dimension can easily lead to anger, bitterness and burnout. In one of the most powerful … continue reading

Letter to a Friend in a Hurry

No one can “be” in a hurry; I mean “be” in the sense of living from the center of one’s real inner being. One can either rush — or be. Never both at the same time. I hold you gently in the quiet of my … continue reading