Choosing to Love – An eCourse

We speak of having a good life, having a bad life, giving life, losing life — expressions that make it sound like life is something we have. But do we have life, or does life have us? Our partner, Spirituality & Practice, is offering an … continue reading

Practicing Spirituality with the Peacemakers – An eCourse

Our partner, Spirituality & Practice, is offering this compelling and timely on-demand eCourse. We invite you to learn more… “The earth is too small a star and we too brief a visitor upon it, for anything to matter more than the struggle for peace,” wrote Coleman McCarthy. … continue reading

The Practice of Compassion: A Multifaith Guide – A New eCourse

Our partner, Spirituality & Practice, is offering an eCourse that will teach you how you can be a compassionate, caring presence to those suffering in your community and the wider world and even to yourself. Learn more and register through the links below… The Practice of Compassion: A … continue reading

Teilhard for Our Times – A New eCourse

Our partner, Spirituality & Practice, is offering an eCourse about the life and vision of Teilhard de Chardin. We invite you to learn more… Teilhard for Our Times Monday, October 31 – Friday, December 2 He has been hailed as one of the four major thinkers … continue reading

Ways to Love the Life You Have – A New Book Discussion

Our partner, Spirituality & Practice, is offering their first-ever book discussion group, based on poet Roger Housden’s new book.  We invite you to check it out and participate if you are interested. Ways to Love the Life You Have  By Roger Housden September 5 – … continue reading