Inspiration for New Beginnings

Each year we offer a refreshed collection of articles, video, poetry, and practices which speaks to beginnings and possibility. In 2020, we embark not only on a new year but a new decade, and many of us are considering personal and social transformation beyond our … continue reading

Celebrating Gratitude & Peace

Joy is not a luxury, it is not a privilege. It is a resilience-giving, life-giving birthright and we can’t call forth in the world something we don’t believe in and embody…and it is as powerful as anger. ~ Krista Tippett On September 21 we celebrate … continue reading

Summer Blessings: An Invitation

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James Source of all blessings, you bless us with summer! A time when many of us are drawn to the nourishing embrace of nature, time … continue reading

A Tale of a Whale for Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day in 2011, Michael Fishback (yes, that’s his real name – how appropriate!), along with his family and a few friends were presented with a rare opportunity — a chance to save the life of a humpback whale. This video tells the story… … continue reading

Grateful News January 2018

This month’s Grateful News brings prize-winning photos of our Earth; the first food bank in Ghana; tool-making crows; women marching for rights; a community health worker crucial for healthcare; and creating opportunities for the poorest people in India. Breathtaking Visions of Earth: Outdoor Photographer of … continue reading

Sharing Soul Force: Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we honor Martin Luther King, Jr’s deep wisdom, courage and example this year, we, at A Network for Grateful Living, embrace our responsibility to contribute to Dr. King’s vision of “The Beloved Community.”  We recognize that our online sanctuary and the Gratefulness community of which we … continue reading

Gratitude: A Way of Teaching – An eCourse for Educators, Now Available On-Demand

We are delighted to announce that this FREE eCourse is available on-demand! An opportunity to explore gratitude as a way of TEACHING and LIVING This five-session eCourse includes practical, research-based activities and a new gratitude curriculum shared by educator and author, Owen Griffith. Owen’s book, … continue reading

Grateful News December 2017

This month’s news focuses on kindness in education; how farming is empowering black farmers; new leadership at Esalen promotes healing the “Inner Net”; an unexpected intergenerational friendship; and innovative roofing to transform homes in slums. Can Kindness Be Taught? Thanks to a challenge from the … continue reading

Grateful News November 2017

This month’s Grateful News focuses on the remarkable post-war rise of Hiroshima; how genetic research gives a sense of belonging; a woman giving hope to young girls in her home town; a new vocabulary for climate change that can aid meaningful action; how soccer is … continue reading

Make the Spirit of #GivingTuesday a Grateful Gift for the World Every Day…

A Network for Grateful Living offers sanctuary and engagement 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – Word for the Day, Light a Candle, eCards, Br. David’s Archives, the Library of Resources, Practice Space, Gratitude Lounge, and more. Our non-profit work brings comfort, inspiration and hope to many … continue reading