Grateful News October 2017

This month’s Grateful News focuses on a brave woman finding earthquake survivors; a beautiful new alternative to wigs during cancer treatments; a man who comforts the terminally ill who otherwise would have no one; the discovery of Einstein’s thoughts on happiness, and video proof that … continue reading

Grateful News September 2017

This month’s news includes generosity during Hurricane Harvey; a great advance in cancer treatment; a new kind of grocery story; an ingenious use of carbon emissions; amazing new energy-harnessing clothes; and businesses stepping up to save precious wild spaces in the U.S…. How a Mattress … continue reading

Grateful News June 2017

This month’s news focuses on wind-powered trains; Latin American women learning to code for great employment potential; an 8-year old zoologist phenomenon; a recycling revolution; and a gift of education in Tennessee… All Dutch Trains Now Run on 100% Wind Power Initially, trains in the … continue reading

Grateful News May 2017

This month’s news focuses on exciting developments in saving coral reefs; helpful grassroots responses to terrorism; the transformation of a decrepit park space; giving and sharing during Ramadan; and a high school success story… New Lab Aims To Restore Imperiled Corals Most of the news and research these days about … continue reading

Inspiration for Earth Day and Every Day

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.” – Wendell Berry And so it is, with “pleasing responsibility,” that … continue reading

Grateful News March 2017

This month’s news focuses on big water-saving ideas; a simple water-stretching idea; helping girls with essential needs in Zimbabwe and beyond: Kenya’s bold ban on plastic; and an encouraging bronze symbol on Wall Street… 6 Water-Saving Innovations to Celebrate World Water Day Every World Water … continue reading

Grateful News February 2017

This month’s Grateful News focuses on preservation of a unique nature refuge; clever help to keep refugees warm; Delhi’s amazing ban of plastics; a fabulous new composting system in Paris; and Finland’s new dramatic education reform… Guardians of a Vast Lake, and a Refuge for Humanity Great … continue reading

Grateful for Love? Spread it!

In a blog post last year, Kristi Nelson offered a challenge —  “Grateful for love? Spread it.”  In recognition of Valentine’s Day we thought we’d do exactly that by sharing some of our favorite quotes about love as well as some images to send as eCards or download and … continue reading

Staff Picks – Loving Our World

A collection of favorite resources – old and new – reflecting on the theme of “Love,” in all its fullness; love as courage, compassion, forgiveness, and commitment to the beauty and wonder of this world. The world needs love right now, so we offer you these gifts of … continue reading

Grateful News January 2017

This month’s news focuses on a wonderful recycling idea; a life-saving invention; techies making a difference in their community; new voices for the voiceless; reconciliation along a new Great Trail; and a commitment to help save the rainforests… At Repair Cafes, ‘Beloved but Broken’ Possessions Find … continue reading