Grateful for Daniel Berrigan, Poet & Prophet

Mortality A leaf’s falling tells or morning red or evening grey which of two mingling airs blue or blue, time or eternity color old eyes. Tells if flesh melts like snowman under time’s fire; or bones stand clumsy and crutched, March trees waiting – flesh … continue reading

Grateful News April 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on ways our environment is being saved with edible cutlery, aquaponics, and planting trees.  Plus a new empowering Afghan Sesame Street character… Edible cutlery: could this simple invention help save the world? Every year vast quantities of plastic knives, forks … continue reading

Partnering for Compassion

“Love and compassion are necessities. Not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama It is with humble and full-hearted pleasure that A Network for Grateful Living has joined thousands of organizations working towards a more peaceful, sustainable, and compassionate … continue reading

Grateful News March 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on humans trying to help coral survive, bacteria helping humans clean up the environment, good news from Africa, kid volunteers calming kennel dogs, and Syrian women getting a place at the peace talks table… The Women With the Controversial Plan … continue reading

Grateful News February 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on stupendous blooms after a drought, an historic election, a very generous restaurant owner, a salmon come-back, and the therapeutic value of horses… Death Valley Is Experiencing a Colorful ‘Superbloom’ It is very good news that California has had a break … continue reading

Grateful News January 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on just how good nature is for you, how a monk influenced the Paris climate agreement, peace-making dance, lake preservation, and welcoming family members of refugees in the UK. This is Your Brain on Nature When we get closer to … continue reading

A Stunning New Video: Stop. Look. Go.

All of us want to be happy…by experiencing, by becoming aware that every moment is a given moment – it is a gift! – Br. David Steindl-Rast A little while ago, we got an email from Dana Saint, from GnarlyBay, Inc., who asked if we … continue reading

Grateful News December 2015

This month’s Grateful News focuses on a surprisingly effective gratitude practice, a surprising energy source, a simple way to help many kids thrive, a long-awaited new law for women, and a dance class that is an oasis of peace. How Faking Gratitude Can Make you Genuinely Grateful – and … continue reading

Beginning Anew with Mother Earth

As the Paris Summit on Climate Change came to a close this weekend, we recognized that this is not an end point, but rather just the beginning of a new worldwide cooperation that will need our continuous support. The Paris Agreement recognizes “that climate change represents an urgent and … continue reading

Grateful News November 2015

This month’s Grateful News focuses on a runner who pays it forward, a new bee sanctuary, freeing elephants, new discoveries around Stonehenge, and an innovative continuing care facility. A Kenyan Runner Maps His Way Home Kelvin Serem was able to attend a good school in … continue reading