Grateful News June 2017

This month’s news focuses on wind-powered trains; Latin American women learning to code for great employment potential; an 8-year old zoologist phenomenon; a recycling revolution; and a gift of education in Tennessee…

train holland wind power

All Dutch Trains Now Run on 100% Wind Power

Initially, trains in the Netherlands were set to run entirely on renewable energy by 2018. However, it seems officials have been able to beat that goal by an entire year. As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power.  >> Full Story

Latin America, coding

The Latin American ‘Lab’ Where Women are Learning to Code Across the Employment Gap

More than 13 million young women across Latin America are neither employed nor in school. But a new model of coding education hopes to give this population skills for a well-paying career. >> Full Story

Meet the Eight-Year-Old Who’s After David Attenborough’s Job

The 8-year-old Aiden the Zoologist who makes viral nature videos and has big dreams for the future says, “This took me away into the creature powers of the animals and it taught me what it would really be like to be one of them.”
>> Watch Video

piles of garbage by landfill

99 Per Cent Of Sweden’s Garbage Is Now Recycled

There’s a “recycling revolution” happening in Sweden. They have become so good at managing waste, they have to import garbage from the UK, Italy, Norway and Ireland to feed the country’s 32 waste-to-energy (WTE) plants, a practice that has been in place for years.  >> Read Story & Watch Video

The First State To Offer Free Community College To Nearly Every Adult

The opportunity to go to college for free is more available than ever before. Community college is already free for graduating high school students in Tennessee. Now it is first state in the country to offer community college — free of charge — to almost any adult. >> Full Story