Grateful News March 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on humans trying to help coral survive, bacteria helping humans clean up the environment, good news from Africa, kid volunteers calming kennel dogs, and Syrian women getting a place at the peace talks table…


The Women With the Controversial Plan to Save the Corals

Ruth Gates noticed that many corals in the Caribbean were clearly stressed, sapped of their color, while right next to them she would see healthy, colorful coral. Gate and scientist Madeleine van Oppen propose protecting corals from rapid climate change by artificially speeding up their evolution.  » Full Story

These 5 Facts Explain the Good News About Africa

Much of the news from Africa is about civil war and suffering. Yet for the most part, life on the continent of 1.1 billion is getting better, with positive longer-term trends that deserve attention.  » Full Story


Researchers Find Plastic-eating Bacteria in Recycling Plant

Scientists discovered a bacterium that will consume one of the most common forms of plastic. Is it the first step toward a solution for plastic pollution?
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Kids Get Shelter Dogs’ Tails Wagging by Reading Them Tales

In the Book Buddies Reading Program, trained volunteers ages 5-16 read to the shelter dogs, helping them gain confidence and grow comfortable with visitors.
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Syrian Women

After Years Of Being Sidelined, Syrian Women Aim To Make History At Peace Talks

Last month, the U.N. announced the formation of the Syrian Women’s Advisory Board — a group of 12 Syrian women from different professional, political and religious backgrounds to advise the U.N. special envoy overseeing the peace talks. » Full Story