Partnering for Compassion

“Love and compassion are necessities. Not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama It is with humble and full-hearted pleasure that A Network for Grateful Living has joined thousands of organizations working towards a more peaceful, sustainable, and compassionate … continue reading

“A Good Day” – 10th Anniversary

One of the most powerful ways many people are introduced to grateful living is through the timeless words of Br. David in his 5-minute video, A Good Day. This reminder about the gifts of every day, has now been viewed on YouTube over 1 million … continue reading

Staff Picks

A collection of favorite resources – both old and new – handpicked by the Gratefulness staff for your perusal. This page will be refreshed 2 – 3 times per month with “gems” which have particularly moved, touched, or engaged us… The Magic Shop of the Brain … continue reading

Attention Turns Us Inside Out

Everything gets more real when you dive into it wholeheartedly: dancing, dying, whatever. You let yourself realize that this is what it has all come to… In a late interview, Ginger Rogers told of how when they had practiced enough, and were actually performing a number … continue reading

Grateful News March 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on humans trying to help coral survive, bacteria helping humans clean up the environment, good news from Africa, kid volunteers calming kennel dogs, and Syrian women getting a place at the peace talks table… The Women With the Controversial Plan … continue reading

Staff Picks

A collection of favorite resources – both old and new – handpicked by the Gratefulness staff for your perusal. This page will be refreshed 2 – 3 times per month with “gems” which have particularly moved, touched, or engaged us… Caught Red-Handed Br. David writes candidly: … continue reading

Grateful News February 2016

This month’s Grateful News focuses on stupendous blooms after a drought, an historic election, a very generous restaurant owner, a salmon come-back, and the therapeutic value of horses… Death Valley Is Experiencing a Colorful ‘Superbloom’ It is very good news that California has had a break … continue reading

Staff Picks

A collection of favorite resources – both old and new – handpicked by the Gratefulness staff for your perusal. This page will be refreshed 2 – 3 times per month with “gems” which have particularly moved, touched, or engaged us… The Power of Purpose (September, 2012) … continue reading

What Barbara Ehrenreich Gets Wrong about Gratitude

Author Barbara Ehrenreich wrote an article in the New York Times entitled The Selfish Side of Gratitude. Jason March for The Greater Good Science Center, is among many who challenged her views.

2016 Tassajara Retreat with Br. David and Paul Haller

Discover the awakening practices at the heart of religious traditions. with Brother David Steindl-Rast and Ryushin Paul Haller The Spirit of Practice:  Christian and Zen June 30-July 7, 2016 Tassajara Zen Center, Carmel Valley CA Awakening the heart and mind has taken many forms throughout … continue reading