Grateful Living Resources: A Pandemic Care Package

“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations we have, the more the good things of life become unexpected gifts that we accept with gratitude.” ― Etty Hillesum At A Network for Grateful Living we often refer to gratefulness as … continue reading

Fanning the Flames

Let us not give up without a fight the measure of fire we have left, the tenuous sense of tribe. The streets in my city feel different today. Not because they are empty and silent. Not on account of the endless queues of people standing … continue reading

Living Gratefully in the Time of Coronavirus

“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations we have, the more the good things of life become unexpected gifts that we accept with gratitude.” ― Etty Hillesum At A Network for Grateful Living we often refer to … continue reading

Only Connect

Only connect! ~ E.M. Forster When E. M. Forster coined the phrase, “Only connect!,” he didn’t mean connection between things or people, even though interpersonal relationships were all-important to Forster. He actually used it to mean connection between the head and the heart, the cerebral and the … continue reading

Like Beauty for Ashes: A Gratitude Conversation with Dr. Felicia Wilson Young

I don’t believe we are put on earth to experience happiness, but I do believe we are put on earth to experience joy. The ability to see, to embrace, both the joy and the sorrow is central to gratitude, to living gratefully. ~ Dr. Felicia … continue reading

Our Elders Didn’t Fail Us

To focus one’s energy on the failures of the movement is to miss the fact that the civil rights movement was never responsible for our problems… In the Spring of 2012, I had the honor of assisting the late Vincent Harding — a historian, veteran of the … continue reading

Inspiration for New Beginnings

Each year we offer a refreshed collection of articles, video, poetry, and practices which speaks to beginnings and possibility. In 2020, we embark not only on a new year but a new decade, and many of us are considering personal and social transformation beyond our … continue reading

7 Steps to Live Your Ideal Eulogy

Being who you really are and doing what you were put on this earth to do is what makes an amazing eulogy. We’ve all heard it before: We don’t sit on our deathbeds wishing we’d spent more time at the office. We don’t get to … continue reading

How Our Special Places Connect Us to Gratitude

In that moment, I realized even more deeply how certain places can evoke a profound experience of gratitude for us. This past July, I decided to leave the San Francisco summer fog, and head across the Golden Gate Bridge to a retreat center in warm … continue reading

Celebrating Gratitude & Peace

Joy is not a luxury, it is not a privilege. It is a resilience-giving, life-giving birthright and we can’t call forth in the world something we don’t believe in and embody…and it is as powerful as anger. ~ Krista Tippett On September 21 we celebrate … continue reading