Choosing Love

Are we living in the age of anxiety? And if so, as Tina Turner might say, what’s love got to do with it? If statistics are any indication, anxiety is something of a global epidemic: 260 million people are diagnosed with it worldwide, and it … continue reading

Listen to Your Mother

There is some alchemy that can happen despite us. It takes us through the fire of our resistance… until we arrive at something pure and true and so obviously authentic that was never before comprehensible. I received a thank-you note today from a friend who … continue reading


The Earth as solid substance may be no more than a spun dream, a metaphor for a metaphor, and matter altogether may be empty space. That’s how quantum physics has it. Shakespeare said, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” Rilke wanted the … continue reading

Grief Becomes You

There are times when the ache returns, sharp and clutching, and there are times when I feel the most profound joy and amazement and gratitude. On April 4, 2017, my father died after a year-long tug-of-war with brain cancer. He was two months shy of … continue reading

A Tale of a Whale for Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day in 2011, Michael Fishback (yes, that’s his real name – how appropriate!), along with his family and a few friends were presented with a rare opportunity — a chance to save the life of a humpback whale. This video tells the story… … continue reading

Let Happiness Catch Up With You

Sometimes we don’t need to pursue happiness. We just need to pause and let it catch up with us. While driving yesterday, I heard this story and reflection on Krista Tippet’s On Being. It’s from a discussion on Pursuing Happiness with the Dalai Lama and other … continue reading

Thanksgiving Prayer

…this Thanksgiving, we do not give thanks. We choose it. We will make this choice of thanks with courageous hearts, knowing that it is humbling to say “thank you.” God, there are days we do not feel grateful. When we are anxious or angry. When … continue reading

What is Gratitude? Say the Word Slowly

Poetry calls us to take words apart as well as to read them together…many words are little poems. “Gratitude” is certainly one such word. Poetry is language used in full recognition of its layers of significance, in full awareness of its sensual properties as well … continue reading

Gratitude for Dad

Inspired by the book The Gratitude Diaries, 98 young filmmakers created “thank you” videos for their fathers. Here are the best! Parents of teenagers often tell me that they’re excited to read my book The Gratitude Diaries because they’re hoping to get some tips about … continue reading

The Grace and Gratitude of Living the Path of Surrender

It’s interesting to notice that when we are in a moment of struggle, we can take our focus off the struggle, and turn our attention towards gratitude. Sometimes, I move between resistance and surrender all day long. If I can bring any amount of gratitude … continue reading