Staff Picks

A collection of favorite resources – both old and new – picked by the Gratefulness staff. This page will be refreshed monthly with “gems” which have especially moved, inspired, and engaged us…


Rich or Poor?
(July, 2016) What makes you rich or poor? A short film (1:00) from the beautiful Sangti Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, India. This film invites us to consider the difference between leading a rich life and having a lot of money…

stars night

Are You Thankful Or Are You Grateful?
Remember a night when you stood outdoors looking up at the stars, countless in the high, silent dome of the sky, and saw them as if for the first time. What happened? Eugene O’Neill puts it this way: “For a moment I lost myself – actually lost my life. I was set free!”

droplet flower close-up

One Morning
One morning
we will wake up
and forget to build
that wall we’ve been building…

rainbow, sun, halo, cloud

Healing Hard Feelings
It is really good news that we are tender-hearted and capable of feeling – even things that we might not like to feel. It means we are human. And being human is a big, vulnerable job…Herewith, a grateful living practice.


Joanna Macy on Uncertainty
(June, 2010) In this inspiring film clip Joanna Macy talks about the gift uncertainty plays in sparking our passion, creativity and focus for the work of The Great Turning, coming into a sustainable relationship with the Earth.


Jiggy – King of the Fairies
(December, 2015) Sometimes living gratefully means dancing joyfully! Or…watching others dance joyfully. We hope this uplifting video of people from around the globe dancing with grace, humor, creativity and abandon brings a smile…


How can Judgment be Turned into Greater Compassion?
“How do I work with judgment? The best tool I know of is mindfulness: the simple practice of noticing what is going on…and then taking a conscious breath and saying to yourself, “OK, this is judgment, here is how it feels, these are the thoughts associated with it,” writes Zoketsu Norman Fischer…

We hope you enjoyed these resources. To discover more, visit our complete Library of Resources or dip into Gratefulness in Daily Life.

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